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Member Resources

You will need a St. Hugh Google ID to access the resources listed below.  Click here to request yours.

If you are not already signed in, or are signed into another Google account, click here, then sign out of all accounts, then choose/add your St. Hugh account.  You can then close that window and return to this tab.  You might not need to do this step after the first time you sign in.

Anchor 1

Lists donations you have given this year.

To download a PDF that can be printed, click next to the "Share" button.

Note:  If you have more than 15 donations, you can use the scroll bar to view them all online; however, they may not all be included in the download.  You may request a printed report for any reason from our office.

Request St. Hugh User ID

Thanks for submitting!

Please allow up to 3 business days to get your ID.  Instructions will be sent to the email address provided on the request, and will be from "The Google Workspace Team".  You'll need to sign in and set your password to activate the account.

You can also contact the church office directly to request an ID.

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